Our Management team

Our strength, our people

The Hexagon team, with 10+ years of practice and expertise in application performance management, provides key software to expand the capabilities of Application Performance Monitoring solutions

Hexagon Team

Morgan Civilise

Founder – GM and Commercial Director

Simon Guillemot

CTO - Technical and Industrialisation Director

Patrick Starck

Strategy & Alliances

Tim Davies

Business Development - Capital Market Solutions

Corine Sempé

HR - Communication & Marketing

Great things in business are never done by one person, they're done by a team of people.
Steve Jobs
Entrepreneur and Inventor

Hexagon Board Members and Investors

Our team is fortunate to be able to draw on the vast experience of our board members and investors

Philippe Godart

Jacques Leignel

Christophe Caille

Brice Vignon

Antoine Lacombe

Hexagon Digital Performancee
6 cité Thuré
75015 Paris